About Us

The Sacramento Vietnamese Medical Dental Pharmacy Association (SVMDPA) was established in May 2017 as a non-profit organization for physicians, dentists, pharmacists and other health professionals of Vietnamese heritage who live and practice in the Northern California.

Our mission is to advocate, serve, and enrich the underserved community through health awareness, service, and mentorship.

Non-profit ID number 30-0991279


Hung Le, DDS    hung.le@svmdpa.org

Quan Nguyen, DDS    quan.nguyen@svmda.org


As the first generation of Vietnamese American Immigrants, we witnessed and labored through many hardships and challenges with our parents in this new land. We came here to pursue our dreams for a better future. Despite the language barrier and cultural differences, we were determined. Our parents sacrificed their youth, livelihood, and dived into any work so they could provide us the opportunity to achieve higher education. We worked extra hard, persisted through tough times and thrived through obstacles to be who we are today. We have come a long way, but there is much more work ahead.

We formed SVMDPA as a group of energetic parents to support and advance the next Vietnamese American generation who wants to pursue careers in healthcare. Medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy are not just careers, these are prestigious professions which affects the lives of many who trust us. We want to educate the community to achieve a healthier lifestyle. We also want to develop and empower our youth to serve, to make a difference and represent the Vietnamese voice. The magnitude is exponential when we can guide and support our younger generation to become professionals and to develop hard ethical working habits.

We humbled as co-presidents of SVMDPA. We also thank Dr. Hieu Tran, Dean of California Northstate University College of Pharmacy, who was our first president, for his guidance and leadership.


MinhChau Nguyen, MD and Lieu Chi Nguyen, PharmD
